Why Drink Uji Matcha?
Helps Relieve Stress
L-Theanine compound also increases Alpha wave activity in the brain and inducing a a feeling relaxation while improving mental alertness, giving you the calm yet focused effect.
Myoan Eisai
Our "mascot", the "father of tea" in Uji, Japan (Founder of the Rinzai school oof Zen Buddhism). It's through him, that GreenZen Uji Matcha finds its way, to you!
Promotes Natural Weightloss
Uji Matcha is rich in Catechin known as epigalocatechin-3gallate (EGCG) that speeds up metabolism and aids weightloss!
Boosts Energy
Uji Matcha boosts energy better than coffee and has less caffeine, meaning longer sustaied energy realease without the jitters. A compound in Uji Matcha known as L-Theanine helps prolong the effects of caffeine, elininating the spike & crash and keeping the energy levels consistent.
Keeps your heart healthy and protects against cancer
The EGCG is a known to possess powerful anti-cancer properties. Regular consumption of Uji Matcha also leads to lower levels of "bad" cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Uji Matcha's Many Health Benefits
Energy 1-3 hours
Energy Rush
Spike & Crash
Caffeine 80-100 mg
Short burst of energy followed by a crash Cortisol & Adrenaline spike.
Aggravates certain health condiditons
Uji Matcha
Energy 4-6 hours
Calm Energy
No Spikes or Crashes
Mental Focus
Caffeine 20-40 mg
L-Theanine increases Alpha brain waves for improved mental focus and deeper relaxation
Reduces Cortisol
pH 7-8
Contains EGCG
Improves Heart & Liver Health
Powerful Antioxidant
Uji matcha powder is regarded as the highest grade of matcha in Japan, prepared using the youngest tea leaves. It's so named because it comes from the region of Uji, Japan, on the southeast border of Kyoto. The small city of Uji is renowned for its tea, and the region is widely considered to produce the best matcha
The Samurai used to consume Uji Matcha before battles from the 13th century, Monks have been using Matcha to aid meditation since the 9th century, Why?
100% pesticide free
Work Aid
More caffeine than in green tea, with no crash (Click here for Uji Matcha Vs Coffee)
Brain Aid
Uji Matcha improves attention, reaction time, and even memory while reducing stress
Gym Aid
Uji Matcha can aid weight loss and increase metabolism. Most weight loss pills have "green tea extract". Why not consume the actual thing!
Anti-cancer Aid
Uji Matcha is a more powerful antioxidants than vitamins C and E. These antioxidants help to reinforce your immune system and fight the free radicals in your body.
Meditation aid
Uji Matcha induces a high consciousness brain alpha-wave state. People in deep meditation are in an alpha-wave state, experiencing calm
Environmentally friendly
Recyclable, Reusable, Food-Grade packaging