Returns are always possible up to 14 days after the receipt of your order. The purchase amount will be credited to your account within 7 working days after the receipt of the return.
Note: We only accept unopened GreenZen packages.
Returning in 3 simple steps
Step 1: Complete the return form. Download the return form here.
Step 2: Send the order to us.
Send the package including the completed return form to the address on the return form. Please note that, as the sender, you are responsible for the shipment. It is important to ship a return with a Track and Trace code, to avoid any misunderstandings. Find your nearest DHL service location here.
Step 3: The amount is credited to your bank account.
As soon as we have received the package, we will make sure that the purchase amount is credited to your bank account within 7 business days.
Please note:
You will be refunded the same way you paid. This is an automated process and can't be changed.